Franklin Island Feta
Martha Folk
Why do you call it Franklin Island Feta? We get this question frequently. With the exception of Walloon, we have named our cheeses after cultural, geographical or historical places of interest near our farm. Our cheeses are unique to this part of Missouri--reflecting its soils, vegetation and climate. We believe that it is appropriate that the name of the cheese originates near the farm as well.
So Franklin Island? This is a beautiful area at the confluence of the Missouri River and Bonne Femme Creek. It is in Howard County, about two miles north of Booneville and 20 minutes from our farm. Now a state Conservation Area, it was once surrounded by water, and because of its bottomland timber and permanent grasses is home to a wide variety of wildlife.
New Franklin Island Feta label.
The Missouri River conveyed French trappers and American explorers, many by canoe, and its shores provided campgrounds along the way. The new Franklin Island Feta label reminds us of this history.
Try our Franklin Island Feta if you haven't. It won a Silver Medal at the 2014 American Cheese Society competition. It's made in the Greek style, and is held in a slightly salty brine. It is perfect on a Greek salad, or any salad for that matter!