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11351 Callahan Creek Rd
Harrisburg, MO, 65256
United States


Get the latest news on our farm and delicious artisanal cheeses made from the fresh milk of our very own pasture-grazing goats!


Kidding season upon us

Martha Folk

Rather than snow falling as the kidding season began, we witnessed fine weather and considerable snow melt, also known as mud.  That didn't matter to the baby goats as they came into the world--they just loved the spring-like weather.  On average, each doe has two kids, and ours are no exception.  Over the next couple of weeks we had as many as 80 frisky little ones to feed and care for at one time.  Several days ago we had enough milking mothers to begin saving milk in our bulk cooling tank in preparation for cheesemaking.  Goatsbeard Cheese will soon be on store shelves!

Peter and friends with new babies.

Peter and friends with new babies.

A few days old.

A few days old.

Jenn has a favorite.

Jenn has a favorite.