New Labels
Jennifer muno
We're excited about new labels for three of our cheeses--Franklin Island Feta, Moniteau Blue and Walloon. This has been a fun project, and wouldn't have been possible without the help of graphic designer Eleanor Tiefenbrun ( Ellie and her husband also live on a mid-Missouri farm, producing pasture raised poultry. Obviously, we hit it off with Ellie right away! Over time we'll be adding more new labels to the collection. We're hoping the great design and bright colors will draw the attention of new customers as well as appeal to our existing loyal following.
Usually, our labels incorporate geographical or cultural features unique to Missouri. The Walloon label is an exception and portrays an abstract rendition of a stained glass window from the church in Mellier, located about 30km from Muno, Belgium. Why Mellier, you may ask? Turns out our cheesemaker, Ken Muno, traces his family to this small town in Belgium, and chose to honor his ancestors with this image. Try the Walloon if you haven't--it's a raw-milk cheese, somewhat like cheddar, with a nutty flavor.
Look for this label on our aged Walloon cheese.